Why Trump? German Customers


“This aptly named book provides a unique perspective and insight into one of the deepest political questions of our time – Why Trump? I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in preserving American democracy.” Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-North Dakota, 2013-2019)

460 pages. 50 interviews. 436 stunning photos of America and its people. Printed by CPI, one of Germany’s best printing presses, on glossy illustration printing paper.

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Sie werden das Buch innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen erhalten.



“This aptly named book provides a unique perspective and insight into one of the deepest political questions of our time – Why Trump? I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in preserving American democracy.” Senator Heidi Heitkamp (D-North Dakota, 2013-2019)

460 pages. 50 interviews. 436 stunning photos of America and its people. Printed by CPI, one of Germany’s best printing presses, on glossy illustration printing paper.

Kostenloser Versand innerhalb Deutschlands.

Kunden in Deutschland haben neben dem Kauf über PayPal die Möglichkeit ihre Bestellung per Rechnung zu bezahlen. Dazu schicken Sie bitte einfach eine Email mit Ihrer Bestellung und Adresse an:


Sie werden das Buch innerhalb von 1-2 Tagen erhalten.


Größe und Gewicht

21 x 27,5 x 4,5 Zentimeter

2,1 Kilo

Additional information

Weight 2100 g
Dimensions 21 × 27,5 × 4,5 cm